You know how you get really busy weeks but have hardly anything to show for it? This has been one of those weeks! Well, not that I don't have anything to show for it, just that a lot of the work I've been doing, I CAN'T show. I've been working on a pretty cool project for a writer, working up some illustrations for a kid's book that will be pitched at various book fairs. Fingers crossed it gets some interest! I can't say much at the moment, only that I've been drawing zombies and people transforming into horrible things!
I have started working on stuff to take to my first con of the year though; the London Comic and Small Press Expo, formally the Web and Mini Comix Thing. As the Thing was no longer running, it got taken over by the awesome peeps who have vamped up the Bristol Con and I can't wait to see how it goes. The Web and Mini Comix Thing was the first con I ever went to as an exhibitor and has pretty much been the reason I go to cons so I'm glad it hasn't been canned. Here are some of the bits I've been making:

Zombie key rings and magnets! It's a dull job cutting out all of those little squares but the end product looks awesome!

Fortune cookies...

I was hoping to have my new big zine, Brains Etc. finished for this but tight deadlines this month have pushed it back a bit. In the meantime, I'll be making 4 mini-comics that will be sold in packs with a print and some other goodies. You get to choose from Gross Stuff, Cryptids, Ninjas or Zombies! Or all 4! :P
I will also be selling a few Transformers bits at Roll Out/Roll Call on the 6th of March as my boyf is a guest. A busy couple of weeks but worth it!