This weekend, I went to the awesomeness that is the London Film and Comic Con. I wasn't exhibiting this time but my uber-talented boyfriend John-Paul was speed-colouring sketches drawn by Transformers artist Casey Coller. I had a great time, met some fantastic people and got pics taken with two of my heroes, Michael Ironside and Scott Bakula, which I will post soon!

Megatron gets vexed over an XBox game!
Everything that's wrong with the world on one stall.


The boy being all professional!

I will shortly be starting a Transformers Mosaic about Bumblebee, written by John-Paul which I was very intimidated to start, but thanks to the con, I'm ready for the challenge of trying to draw robots that aren't just boxes stacked on top of one another!
Looks like it was a really great weekend dude - glad you guys had such a good one :) you not think it might be a *slight* exageration to say that Twilight is EVERYTHING that's wrong with the world? Just a thought... :-P
No. No, I don't! (Well, maybe a little bit but if you'd seen the fan-girls...shudder...)