Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Do The Wolf Dance!

Monday, 28 March 2011
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
A busy and exciting last few days!

Do you ever get those days where you feel very down about your work only to have something awesome happens to make you feel a billion times better? I had one of those days last week! On Thursday, I set aside a chunk of time to send work out to publishers. I emailed people, rang people, printed stuff and made promo packs ready to send out in the afternoon. I had a list of places to try and ended up ringing one of them to find out if they accept submissions and who to send them to. The very lovely person I spoke to gave me her email address and I sent some samples to them. 10 minutes later, I accepted an offer to work on a project for them to take to the Bologna Children's Book Fair! Needless to say, I was absolutely delighted by this turn of events. Even more so when they said they'd like me to do four board books for them. Hopefully I'll be able to post some images soon as it's a really fun project!
Apologies for also not announcing the winners of my mini-comics giveaway either as I was working flat-out all weekend. The lucky peeps are: David Tiernan and Victoria N. Well done guys!
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Monday, 14 March 2011
Mini Comics Giveaway!

It had to be done; I couldn't make these comics without doing a giveaway! And the first one of 2011 to boot! I have two sets of four mini comics to giveaway along with four full-colour prints (one for each comic.) All you have to do, as always, is leave a comment below with your email address and the winners will be picked randomly on the 19th of March. Go for it!
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
More Mini Comics!
I finally got the other mini comics in my four comic set printed today for the London Comics and Small Press Expo! To join Cryptids and Gross Stuff are Zombies and Ninja Skills. I know that Zombies and Ninjas have been done to death, but hopefully I've done something not-too-boring with them.

A snazzy Ninja print to go with your Ninja Skills comic!

Gather 'round kids and hear a story!
The comics will be on sale for £1.50. I'll also have some colouring books, paintings, prints, key rings, magnets and greetings cards. Please do come along as it will be awesome sauce!
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Secret Project!
I can't say much about this but for the last few weeks I've been working on a children's book proposal with a writer and have just finished a batch of illustrations for it. It's not so secret that I can't post a couple of pictures:

...but it IS so secret that I can't tell you anything about them! The pictures may look like they say it all, but there's a lot more behind them than first glance. I can tell you the book is aimed at kids who like gross stuff; if you ever read the Little Dracula storybooks or like Horrible History or Horrible Science books, odds are you'll like this. More on this story as it (hopefully) develops! :P
Thursday, 3 March 2011
Mini Comics, batch 1!
Two out of four of my mini comics for the London Small Press Expo are printed and packaged. Each diddy 15 page comic comes with a full colour print and there will be four in the series to collect. Here are the first couple:

Zine + print = awesome!

The Gross Stuff zine comes with a dung beetle print. It seemed logical.

Never heard of the Mongolian Death Worm? Read about his escapades here. I like to think my comics are educational as well as pointless! :P Ninjas and Zombies will be done for next week and I can see more mini comics being made for future cons. I've already got plans for titles including Video Games, Sharks, Mexican Wrestlers, Robots and a Japanese Phrase Book. If you can't make the con, fear not as I will be selling these in my online shop soon!
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