Many moons ago (well, about 3), I worked full-time in a comic shop. I'd previously been working part-time in a video shop after leaving uni whilst trying to sell my magic illustration beans when the opportunity popped up; at the time, this was one of my dream jobs so I jumped at the chance. Working in a comic shop for three years was awesome and influenced my artwork no end. We sold a lot of small press comics and zines, and while I'd always been fascinated by them and even tried my hand at a few poor attempts, it was purely by accident that I decided to draw my own small press comic.
Guide Dog Detective was my attempt at something familiar yet different and I still get people asking me when the next issue will be coming out! Unfortunately, I haven't got the time to put into it any more so it's been on permanent hiatus since issue 2. However, I got a fantastic response from people about it and it really helped to get me into the small press and comic con scene in the UK.

Issue 3 is written and thumb-nailed but only got as far as pages 1-4 being drawn out. I have a whole 12-issue arc planned and will get back into it at some point. However, it's been so long since I drew, I can imagine it would look totally different. Looking at these pics make me cringe a bit! It was a lot of fun to do though and I think I'll get the urge to pick it up again sometime in the future.