I've made it past 30 daily comics -
woot! It's been really fun as well as sometimes being a bit of a struggle but I'm glad I kept it up. A lot of the stuff I've been drawing in the daily comics will no doubt pop up further down the line; I've found it a great place to put ideas to work on later. With that said, I fully intend to make a comic series (only small, mind) of
Vlodflorlax the
Eviscerater and his Puppy, Sprinkles! I was thinking about the characters on my way to work this morning (bike riding is great for thinking about illustration ideas) and have a couple of one-pagers I want to draw. Expect
silliness and innards!
I'll also be posting a Bristol Con update in the next day or two and a feature on a rather awesome zine, the second issue of which I make an amusing guest appearance!