Last weekend I had a table at the MCM Expo in London and I have to say, it was brilliant! The atmosphere was amazing and although it's a heavily anime-based con, my prints sold like warmed-through baked goods! Until I get proper internet back, here are a couple of pics:

JP living his dream of being Wario!

The awesome Louise Ho and me having an E.T moment!

My stall of colourful gee-gaws!
It was a knackering weekend but very enjoyable and as always, I made all monies back with profit. Comic cons have pretty much become another part-time job for me and I think I've found a good set of things to sell. The paintings always get attention and sold very well at MCM; key rings are small and cheap and people constantly buy them and the prints I get made are fast becoming my most popular items.
Genki Gear also had my new design on their table and I'm glad to say it sold fantastically! Here it is in all its glory:

In other news, our house has finally gone through! I can't express the sheer relief at this; somewhere to live! With a studio! And a garden! And a loft! We pick up our keys tomorrow and it's all systems go this weekend as we get moved in. Hopefully my next post will come from my all-new studio/guest room! :D