Saturday, 31 July 2010

Friday, 30 July 2010
Social Networking and the Evils Thereof

It's not just for the sake of it that I like these sites; I've found that as an illustrator, they're very useful tools: You can let people know what work you're doing, where you're going to be selling stuff, etc. I've gotten some interesting commissions through these sites and a lot more interest in my work. Setting a page up purely for my "business" has been great too as it's a very nifty thing to be able to give people Facebook details at comic book conventions. FB seems to be an acceptable form of professional networking now which I quite like as it's a very accessible system. However, like most web-based promotional tools, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.
How does everyone else find social networking? Does it work for you? Do you do it just because you feel left out otherwise? What are the perils of using social networking in a professional capacity? Gimme your opinions! I would like to do a follow-up post to this so the more the merrier! :P
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Stuff and Guff!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Pod People!
Monday, 26 July 2010
A Bit Of Everything Poster!

Saturday, 24 July 2010
Huge online shop update!

Friday, 23 July 2010
The Shadow Over Innsmouth
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Postcard Commission
Monday, 19 July 2010
London Film and Comic Con!

A Stormtrooper just chilling at the Reaper table.
Some dodgy bint and her work.
Awesome Shaun of the Dead costume.
Award for most inventive use of a moustache!
I'm-a gonna win!
He'll rip you a new one!
An Ewok. And someone dressed up as one of those bear-things from Star wars.
Like looking in a mirror.
A gaggle of Boba Fetts admire some art.
Arnie has fallen on hard times. That's politics for you.
The awesome Mario of Apocalypse comics!
Aliens vs. Predator.
Aliens vs. Preadtor 2: The Paintening.
This is what conventions do to a girl. Chugging Red Bull and talking to leprechauns (not pictured).
Colouring sketches finally takes its toll on JP.
It's safe to say this will become a regular con for us, so keep an eye out! :D
Friday, 16 July 2010
London Film and Comic Con!

I did this speedily to get an idea of timing so hopefully the more I do, the better they'll look! I'll be keeping them primarily black and white in case people would like them coloured by my awesome boyf. Cost-wise, I thought £7.50 a sketch was reasonable with an extra £7.50 for a full-colour glossy print-off too. We'll see if peeps want to pay that or if they think it's a rip! :P
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Monday, 12 July 2010
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Captain Kirk FTW!
Friday, 9 July 2010
Star Wars Pics

I'm having a rather fun time making these pics! I've held off drawing Star Wars characters because so many people do them and many a lot better than me. But I was convinced it would work and it's really enjoyable! These, along with stickers and prints, will be available to buy here next weekend.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Giveaway winners!
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
New Geeky Prints!

They're 30x20cm glossy prints (slightly larger than A4). So far, I've got my 50ft Guppy (for some b-movie style goodness), Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid, a Jessified Daredevil cover, a Lovecraft-inspired Dagon (soon to be coupled with a Cthulhu print), Kurt Russell from The Thing and Watchmen. They'll be selling for a rather reasonable price with the option to have them signed (still can't get used to that when people ask) and will also be up for sale in my shop after the con, either individually or in packs. I ordered another big batch today and will hopefully have those by the end of the week. If anyone is interested in one now, email me and we'll sort something out!
Star Wars Stickers!

It was suggested I do some Star Wars characters for the London Con as there is usually no end of merchandise and people dressed as Stormtroopers to be found, so here is the first batch! I think Chewy and Wicket are my favourites, purely because they look like Star Wars as done by Jess! I've got more characters on the way for stickers and there will also be original paintings to buy. If time permits, some exciting prints may get made too! :P
Monday, 5 July 2010
Toe Fluff!

The awesome Steve Rack is running an exhibition for his Toe Fluff characters and has opened submissions for other artists to create one using a template. Here is my humble design! I don't think he'd be too out of place in Milk Town actually! Speaking of, Steve interviewed me on his character website not long back :D
Friday, 2 July 2010
I'm a Confirmed Guest - woo!