Okay, so you may have noticed a bit of a lull in my Daily Comics for which I apologise. After a bit of a crappy week of creative block/doubt, I'm hopefully now back on track and with a new look Squid Bits Daily Comic! Well, I say new look; more like new frequency of posting! As much as I love doing my Daily Comic, I've realised that the worry of getting it done every day has kind of pushed back more important work. I have a part-time job too so I can't always get the time I want to do it. Until I get a better timetable, I've decided to keep the Daily Comic as merely a comic, posted as and when. I will miss all the feedback from doing them daily, but hopefully they'll be just as good!
I haven't been totally moping this week though; I've been working on a
Transformers Mosaic comic with my talented
boyf, which has been fun and frustrating in equal measure! I've had to suck it up and draw cars and stuff! Well, as much of a car as I can draw anyway...! I'm looking forward to doing some more though, so here's hoping my vehicle drawing skills improve a bit!
More exciting news in the form of a table at the
London Film and Comic Con where I will be selling more character paintings. William
Shatner is the guest of honour which means Star Trek pictures will be a big yes! Looking forward to it as it's always a fun con and to be an exhibitor will be even better. JP will be selling some exclusive
TF prints too so we're officially a comic con couple!
I'll also be doing a big push on the Milk Town website and finally adding new buildings and more goodies for members as I've left that on the side for a bit. Already looking forward to it!
Feedback on the Daily Comic situation is very much welcome. Here's to (hopefully) a less grumpy week!