Monday, 23 June 2014

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Moose Kid Comics is here!

I'm very happy and proud to be involved in an absolutely awesome project at the moment which is Moose Kid Comics! MKC is a free 36 page comic full of original characters and creators by 40 comics creators. This comic is PACKED with amazing work (and my effort) and is a fantastic all-ages read. You can read it online or even download the whole thing free (I recommend printing out a nice copy!) at Moose Kid Comics. Help us spread the word that comics for kids are brilliant!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Squid Bits in The Phoenix!

Squid Bits is now running every 2-3 weeks in The Phoenix, an awesome weekly kid's comic! Issue 126 is out with all new silliness. Keep an eye out for Issue 128 for more!

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Drawed some guinea pigs.

Working flat out on some new Squid Bit strips for The Phoenix - here are a multitude of guinea pigs!
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