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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Video Game Art Exhibition!

Some of my video game based prints will be displayed at an awesome exhibition as part of the London Games Festival in October! Lots of other talented peeps and game developers will also be exhibiting which should make it a really great show. Team 17 are also part of it which made my 11 year old self squeal for joy and want to get my Amiga out of the loft so I could play Alien Breed. Unfortunately (not too unfortunately though), I'll be at MCM on the weekend of the show itself so I wont be able to see it, but hopefully some pics will make it out! All of the work will be auctioned off to charity so get along to it if you want to own some amazing video game art and donate to a worthy cause.

1 comment:

  1. I think this would be the best exhibition of video games in the world. Wish I could get the passes to visit this exhibition !
