Well, my wonderful jaunt to NY is over and I'm a little bit grumpy! It was an awesome holiday with many highlights including the New York Comic Con, pictured above. I will upload my photos when I have time but here's a good one that includes: Michael Bell, an awesome voice actor and all 'round fantastic guy that you've probably heard in a billion cartoons and not realised (he was Chuckie's dad, Chaz, in Rugrats as well as Angelica's dad, Drew!); our awesome friend Mario without whom we wouldn't have gone in the first place; Casey Coller, Transformers artist and flat out wonderful guy; Pia Guerra, artist of Y-The Last Man (awesome lady - so nice!); Shane McCarthy, spiffing Auzzie and Transformers and Deadpool writer and humble ol' me!
Overall highlights of the trip included: Meeting Bruce Campbell at NYCC, seeing the Ghostbusters firehouse, getting proposed to in New England, the top of the Empire State Building, finding an awesome publisher and getting free books from them and too many other things to remember. Expect sketch book journal pages soon!