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Thursday, 23 April 2009

Painting again!

This image has nothing to do with my painting but I thought it would just brighten things up a bit! As much as I've enjoyed using my Wacom to colour digitally the last few months, I can't help but think I need to get back into some painting, just for a change and to freshen my artwork up a tad. I'm looking forward to just messing about for a bit but the only problem I have is that I don't feel productive enough when I take a break to fiddle about.
One of the reasons I love using a tablet is because I can crank out a lot of work in a short space of time. I know that doesn't necessarily mean it's all good but there is a certain sense of accomplishment when you have a goodly body of work under your belt. As much as I enjoy painting, I'm going to miss having work finished quickly, but saying that I've done well over 100 pictures since January. I guess I just don't feel like I'm productive unless I'm constantly cranking out work. But then, I always have been too hard on myself whenever it comes to my artwork!


  1. Aah!!! There's a happy radish again! I want him!

    I saw your robot painting over on dA. It's very cute. Looks so different because of not being digital, but still so cute.

    Can't wait to see what else you come up with.

  2. Thanks!I'm working on a series of ten weird portraits at the moment. Hopefully the first two will be on DA by Thursday! And fear not; there will be plenty more happy radishes on the way! :D

  3. I've just the same. Love to draw with real paint but my wacom is so nice to work quickly with my ideas. (sorry for my english :-} ) Groetjes Marjan.

  4. That's what I love about the Wacom - you can lots and lots done! Please don't apologise - I understand! :D (Really really like your artwork!)
